Positioning the jQuery slider FeatureList style


I have used the FeatureList style.

In the software program the thumbnail images to the right of the main image can be clicked to skip to that image.

However once I have uploaded this to our website you cant click the thumbnails to skip to the corresponding image.


You need to change the margin value of the Amazing Slider div, leave some space for the right side carousel.

In your webpage, try to find the following HTML code:

In your webpage, find the following code:

<div class=”slide-container”>
<div id=”amazingslider-1″ style=”display:block;position:relative;margin:16px auto 32px;”>

Change it to (change marked by red):

<div class=”slide-container”>
<div id=”amazingslider-1″ style=”display:block;position:relative;margin:16px 228px 32px 0px;“>

In the above code, 228 is the width of the right side carousel.

Text outside jQuery Slider not showing on webpage


I have the commercial version of your software.

I am attaching the most recent saved version of our project. As you can see in the project, each of these images has a title and a description. However, neither are showing on the website. It is imperative that the title and the description DO NOT overlap the image as these are of original art work. I have changed the slider skin numerous times and when I change the Text Effect to overlay the image – it is there. However, if I change the Text effect to be outside the image either on top or the bottom, it does not show.

Please let me know what the issue might be.


The text is actually there on your webpage, but the parent div of the slider has a “overflow:hidden” css property, so the text is hidden.

You can find the following HTML code in your webpage:

<div style=”margin:0px auto;max-width:350px;”>

<!– Insert to your webpage where you want to display the slider –>
<div id=”amazingslider-1″ style=”display:block;position:relative;margin:0px auto 0px;”>

Change it to (change marked by red):

<div style=”margin:0px auto 60px;max-width:350px;”>

<!– Insert to your webpage where you want to display the slider –>
<div id=”amazingslider-1″ style=”display:block;position:relative;margin:0px auto 0px;”>

Add multiple images at once in Amazing Slider


I am using Amazing Slider. I wonder is there a possibility to add multiple images at once – or you have to select each image individually?



In the Add Slides dialog, click the “Add images” button, then you can select multiple images and add them at once.

If you are using Windows, you can hold ctrl or shift key to select multiple files. If you are using Mac, you can hold command or shift button.  It’s just like how you do in Windows Explorer or Mac Finder.

Can I add Amazing Slider and Amazing Carousel to one page?


I am using both the Slider and Carousel program.

I cannot get a slider and a carousel to run on the same page. Is this possible?


Yes. You can add the slider and the carousel to one page.

When adding the head section codes, you need to remove the second line of jquery.js (marked by red in the following code snippet):

<!-- Insert to your webpage before the </head> -->
 <script src="sliderengine/jquery.js"></script>
 <script src="sliderengine/amazingslider.js"></script>
 <script src="sliderengine/initslider-1.js"></script>
 <!-- End of head section HTML codes -->
 <!-- Insert to your webpage before the </head> -->
 <script src="carouselengine/jquery.js"></script>
 <script src="carouselengine/amazingcarousel.js"></script>
 <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="carouselengine/initcarousel-1.css">
 <script src="carouselengine/initcarousel-1.js"></script>
 <!-- End of head section HTML codes -->